They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim. 他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。
Feel guilty for not deducting personal expenses/ for making a false claim for expenses 因为没有扣除私人费用/虚报费用而感到内疚
The false reports on this issue claim that some sort of alignment of the Universe will cause a blackout. There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. 这个错误的论调称行星将会连成一线导致地球黑暗,我们确信,在未来几十年之内都不会有行星连线现象,而且即使行星出现了连线现象,它们对地球的影响也可以忽略不计。
Someone who is moving from an interesting but false claim to a true but vacuous claim. 有人从一个有趣,但错误的宣称转移到一个真实但空虚的。
False claim, misappropriation and the random budget adjustment are the three major issues we should pay more attention to in the budget management of the administrative units. 虚报冒领、挤占挪用、随意调整预算是行政单位预算管理中应当引起注意的三大问题。
And Agriculture Minister Gianni Alemanno said even if eateries did flaunt Italian roots, it was often a false claim. 而农业部长吉亚尼·阿莱曼诺说,即便有些餐馆吹嘘自己源自意大利,那也通常是靠不住的。
A false boast that can harm others; especially a false claim to be married to someone ( formerly actionable at law). 能够损害他人的虚假夸耀;特别是(以前可以提起法律诉讼的)与某人结婚的虚假说法。
As a result, the false claim about the Himalayan glaciers has taken on considerable symbolic significance. 其结果是,这些关于喜马拉雅冰川的虚假主张已经具有了相当大的象征意义。
False claim of support 作出虚假的支持声称
I don't promote Imperialism of any nation, and it is a false claim to say that America is the main imperialist of today's globe. 我不推广任何国家的帝国主义,美国是世界上最大的帝国主义的这种说法是错误的。
Distribution of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof in the Case of False Claim on Depositors On the Responsibility of Legal Procedure 身份证件真伪不明冒领纠纷的证明责任分配论法律程序责任
False action is the behavior that the perpetrators bring a lawsuit for the unlawful purpose, and conspire to claim the untrue facts of the case, and result harm. 虚假诉讼是指行为人出于不合法之目的提起民事诉讼的,合谋向法院主张不真实案件事实的,会产生危害结果的违法行为。